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19 year old student at the art acedemy SintLucas get inspired to inspire!♥


Fixed gear porn.

he you guys !
i know it has been a while since i did a post about my interest *sawry*  but im going to quite the poems i think but yeah i will see , anyway this post is about what keep me busy these days !
two years ago i saw this amazing bike and thought OM MA LORD i Totally want one,
not because they are a hype or something like that, but because the bike showed something i love,
simplicity, but unfortunally i didn't knew how the bikes were called so after a while i lost them out of sight , *sad face* untill now it all started with a friend of mine comming to me and saying he did you saw that guys awsome ride and i was like hella yeah i did ! and he went like yeah i'm also working on my fixed and i looked like ? so the explained what a Fixed gear was and from then on i started looking them up but not how they were build but more how the looked, i really found some great stuff on the internet but thoug i still didn't had one. the one thing i struggeled most with was that i really didn't knew anything about building this bike of i should say rebuild it in a more refined way , 2 friends of mine started building their bike and when they posted a picture on FB i was like *jealous* and one of them said why don't you build your own one  you know a few people now so you will always have a door to knock on! and i was like hella  yeah GOOD PLAN ! so i bought one and with help of BOB's garage i was able to undress the bike i am not fully done with the bike so that's why i will post the pictures later !
but he rides and i am FRIGGIN HAPPY WITH IT !

anyway enough of the CHIT CHATTTAA ! and here is some bike PORN!

bertellibici <--- totall check out !


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