''bout me.

My photo
19 year old student at the art acedemy SintLucas get inspired to inspire!♥


School Style:Guus van Vugt

Guus van Vugt

profession:creative student, stylist, blogger
Style: casual

"just an ordinary school day"



School style : Mike "Soy" Saris

Mike "Soy" Saris

profession:creative student, illustrator
Style: Swag

"truth and time tells all"



School style: kristie schiffer

Kristie schiffer

profession:creative student
Style: City Chique

" looking good and feeling comfortabele "



A few of my latest fashion items !!

Outfits will follow soon !!

Oh yeah starting now i will post a photo of fashionable people each day !

Looking forward to it !!



Light of my life.

Sun sparkles , hearts beating deadly eyes with a seducting smile saying "like you a lot"
As i reached out to to see what i was missing
i heard a voice saying,
"twinkel twinkel little star, look out don't go to far"

As we hold our hands we jumped over the cliff

Light of my life what have we done i screamed

Light of my life you said we've reached our destination called undone



These things make me smile
It doesn't matter if the sun is shining
It doesn't matter if its my love i kept hiding
These things make me smile

I don't just like you,
i like Us.
I don't just love you.

i love Us.