''bout me.

My photo
19 year old student at the art acedemy SintLucas get inspired to inspire!♥


Today is diffirent Tomorrow is the same.

Waking up in the morning feeling like one of those days,
Take a shower brush your teeth,
Doing everything the same like yesterdays repeat.
As i walk to school i cross the bridge like a fool,
Music floating trough my ears what do i hear today that i missed for years.
What makes today different what makes tomorrow the same
Do i, do we live on repeat?
Hungry for attention,
Hungry for recognition,
Hungry for the things that make it different.

Like eddie vedder said were longing to belong,
We live with all we see,
We live with everything that others create,
We live a day like yesterday .
As i'm writing i hear a song,
I search for the things that make me hold on,
Having a thought of what is fake and what is real.

Image that life is like a boat,
Seeing no sea end.
Feeling the wind stroke beside your cheek,
Feeling the warm sun on your skin as coolness of the sea.
The unfimilair is right beneath our eyes.
Make your view wider some how.


 all photo's are taken by ©Nol cobben

song of the day :

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