hey guys !
this post is dedecated to friend of mine who happends to be quit talented
i found out after he made my blog title and send it to me !
i was super suprised and super happy ! well duh have you seen it im mean yeah it's DOPE !
(can i say that ,? YES I DAMN SURE CAN ! :'] ) so i did a little interview with him to know more about who the boy noll cobben is.'
Sohyla: so noll tell us more about who you are ? :D
Nol: he guys ! so im nol i'm sixteen years old and a student at the art academy Sintlucas.
Sohyla: tell us how it all began with your draws and stuff ?
Nol: actually i don't wanna sound all cliché and stuff but since i could hold a pencil i liked drawing
the cool thing about it you could capture a moment the way you wanted and also twist it if you like
Sohyla: how did it went with the drawing ?
Nol : like i said since i could hold a pencil i kinda kept on drawing and i wanted to create my own style and
get myself really involved in my draws literally, i like liquor so i though of the brilliant idea to draw under influence of liquor , at nigt the draws i made then looked super cool but the morning after i though ''What the hell ? '' so i kept on training myself to create my own style.
i always had a big thing going on with letters just letters, so i startedd making my own cool rough dirty letters and i really enjoyed it when i started drawing it was like there was no such thing as time.
Sohyla: wauw that sounds very awsome !
Nol: yeah it is also very awsome !
Sohyla: and do you still draw when your drunk ?
Nol: i kinda never stopped with the drunk drawing it has become a part of my style now :']
Sohyla: how would you describe your style ?
Nol: my style is all about being drirty, drunk and lots of letters that hopefully form a word lol :']
Sohyla: well i guess its time to show them what i mean by some photo's of your work and some of your photography !
Nol: well thank you for dedecating this post to me i appreciate it !
Nol Cobben.
a Drunk draw
if you think aa this is awsome and also want a post done by me about your art !
sent me an email and i will Contact you A.S.A.P to get it done !
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