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19 year old student at the art acedemy SintLucas get inspired to inspire!♥


New Found Talent: Sjeng van Velzen.

heee guys ! as i told you earlier i would be doing a serie of post about new found talents !

this post is about a boy named sjeng van velzen,
he lives in the netherlands in the same town as i do.
at first i really had no clue that he was quite good with the 2d part (draws)
but when i saw a picture he placed on his facebook i went to him and said : ''dudeeee hoook me up with some of you work i would really really like to do a post about it ! '' and he was like '' mhmm Okay ! ''
LOL xD but anyway here is the interview and photos of his ART !


Sohyla: SO Sjeng tell us, what made u start drawing?Sjeng: The art teacher who said: start drawing.

Sohyla: Cool kid ay but acutually im quite curious about you inspiration of some of these draws below tell us more about that?

Sjeng: I am influenced by everything around me. emotions at the
moment set the tone of the drawings

Sohyla: and what is your dream goal with your illustratons?
Sjeng:To be statisfied with my own work.

Sohyla: is there any posibillity to buy your artwork?
Sjeng: No unfortunally  not.

Sohyla: Anything you want to add to this interview !
Sjeng: Where are the baby pigeons?

haha well here are the baby pigeons just for you !



1 comment:

  1. love your drawings :)

    XX I.



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